ADI Part 3

The purpose of this examination is to assess the quality of your instruction as a driving instructor and your ability to pass on your knowledge. The test is in two parts or ‘phases’ as they are called. Each ‘phase’ lasts for half an hour and both parts must be passed on the same test.

You will be asked to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in passing it on by giving practical instruction to the examiner. The examiner will use ‘role-play’ to portray firstly, a pupil who is either a beginner or a ‘partly-trained’ pupil with limited driving experience. Then you will be asked to improve the performance of a pupil who is at a trained level, around driving test standard or someone who has been in possession of a full driving licence for some time.

The examiner will explain the procedure at the time.

The car provided for test should cover for the period of time that the examiner is driving, any liability that the examiner may have for all third party and damage risks and for liability to any passenger, including any official passenger. Your insurance should cover any DSA examiner. It should not name any specific examiner as the examiner cannot be guaranteed on the day of the test.

The Part 3 exercises

For each of the Part 3 Test of Instructional Ability two roles, the examiner will choose one of the exercises given below as the basis of instruction.

Safety precautions on entering the car and explanation of the controls.

Moving off and making normal stops.

Reversing into limited openings on the right or left.

Turning the car in the road so as to face the opposite direction using forward and reverse gears.

Parking close to the kerb using forward and reverse gears.

How to make an emergency stop and practical instruction in the use of mirrors.

Approaching and turning corners.

Judgement of speed, making progress and general road positioning.

Dealing with road junctions.

Dealing with crossroads.

Dealing with pedestrian crossings and giving signals in a clear and unmistakable manner.

Overtaking, meeting and crossing the path of other road users, allowing adequate clearance.

The instruction you give should be tailored to the ability of the pupil being portrayed and the time available. You should find it helpful to establish what the pupil already knows in each phase by asking questions and observing the pupil’s performance as you would a real pupil who you had not previously seen drive.

You will be assessed on:

The method, clarity, adequacy and correctness of instruction given.

The observation, analysis and correction of faults committed by the pupil.

Your general manner.

You will be expected to maintain control of the session, be patient and tactful and give encouragement to the pupil at all times. What is assessed is the relevance of the instruction for the ability of the pupil and to the particular conditions on the road on the day of the test.